A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Destiny, what is destiny and where to find destiny? Here is the answer

Does it ever happen to anyone that you meet someone, you spend nice time together, you both share common interests and by the end of the day you think that you are perfect for each other. Many people may define this thing as destiny. But do you really think that is destiny? Do you really believe that you can find destiny that easily? The answer my dear friend is no.

If everyone found destiny that easily the world would not be like it is today. You may think if everyone living Aon this planet found their destiny the world would be a much better place to live but my friend the answer to this is No. If you’ve have seen a movie called Grace Alimony where god gives his powers to a human and at the end by being frustrated with all those prayers of people he grants all of their wishes. When the lottery result came out everyone who asked god for winning lottery wins the lottery. And people come out on the street and start destroying vehicles, shops, demolishing buildings. The main theme what I am trying to give here is if all the demands of the human kind is fulfilled the world not be a better place to live. It would rather be composed of more hatred, more anger, and more egos.

Just think for a second, what would happen if everyone was rich? The simple answer would be the poverty would not prevail. No one would be homeless; no one would ever get to sleep with an empty stomach, no one would be uneducated and we think this is the ideal society. This is the society everybody wants but my friend you really don’t want to live there.

If Gold was as abundant as metal, would people still wear gold? If you are still wondering about this question just think would you wear a metal necklace today? This is so because the thing that is found least has greater value no matter how bad they are. The same thing here applies for destiny too. And when I mean destiny I am not just talking about when a guy finds his Cinderella or when a girl finds her prince charming. Destiny cannot just be limited. It is vast, it is deep. It either cannot be defined or can be categorized.

People are of different nature and so is their destiny. Someone wants maybe to be a doctor or an engineer. We cannot say that this is not his/her destiny. If he/she find perfect happiness pursuing their dream it is theirs destiny. But can everyone pursue their dream? The answer is no. At least I couldn’t. I am not saying that we cannot find destiny I am saying only some of us can find it. The god or the universe or whatever superpower that made us have made our destiny. But nowadays we have become so busy with our lives that whatever makes us happy we think that is destiny. My friend when you find destiny you become restless, you become emotionless, you become speechless, it makes your heart beat fast and slow at the same time, the pleasure is ineffable like when you see a rainbow after a massive catastrophe.

You can find it anywhere. We just gotta search for it. It may either be in the Himalayas or in front of you.
Location: Boudhha, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal


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