A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Expectations and Reality, What is the silver lining?

Does it ever happens to you that when you are going through the toughest or maybe the worst phase of your life and out of the blue life showers you with opportunities and happiness. You see a glimpse of hope. Then everything around you turns good, you feel good. You think Life is not so miserable. We start to grab those chances and slowly but steadily we progress. But, we do not know what is planned for us. And when we are just a stone’s throw away from reaching the peak, we feel something moving, something not good.

expectations reality, anish niroula

 The avalanche destroys all of our hopes, all of our expectations, all of our efforts and progress we made in that time. And we come back to the initial point where life betrayed us and showed the glimpse of hope to us. All of that hard work was useless we may think, but my friend the problem is we expect more. The Expectations increase exponentially but reality is a constant. Reality has its own pace. We will discuss about Expectations Versus Reality in our next post. 
Location: Biratnagar, Nepal


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