A day will come when you think yourself safe and happy, and suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you'll know the debt is paid.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Your height versus your Confidence

Before a couple of days I saw an article in newspaper that your height relates to your confidence. Well I thought about it afterwards and thought that it was pretty correct. I hangout with one group of  my friends who are pretty much taller than me (Ha I won't bother you by saying my height) and another group who are pretty much similar to my height. Let me name the first group as G1 and second group as G2.

So,when I am Hanging out without G1 I am little not open to them and I think I am not too friendly with them too.(B.T.W they are one of my best friends) but when I am out with G2 I chat with them a lot. Maybe it be personal or any other things.
Height Vs confidence

Therefore what I am trying to say is that wherever you are either workplace or school or college. You are more confident with people of your height. If your professor is taller than you you feel little awkward to ask him questions or If your boss is taller than you's height than you may feel irritated or lazy to cope with him.

So, what is the solution to this? Literally If you think there's no solution because it is not actually a problem. It is only what your mind says you to do. Your brain says you to feel less confident when you are talking with the people who are not as tall as you are.

The solution is to be calm and confident.
Location: Kathmandu 44600, Nepal


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